The Conception

Based on our interviews and extensive observation, we decided to get down to designing. We looked at various possible designs, took key insights from several examples on the internet, and made sure to get as many of our checks satisfied with each design attempt. 

With all of this in mind, we came up with 3 clusters of ideas, mainly focusing on the comfort needed in prolonged use.




We are considering the sensors and their placement for these clusters as they are the most delicate to the position. 

The feedback methods can be of any form based on user preference and usage. We chose 3 champion ideas from the above clusters to further detailed our sketches and on these ideas to push forward into crafting.

Champion Ideas

Our first Champian Idea from the Wearable Cluster is a shoe designed with a built-in sensor and circuit. 

  • This will be extremely accurate as the sensors will be well-placed
  • We can even use two sensors to increase accuracy 
  • This shoe can cater to other needs as well, especially like having an orthopedic insole
  • The electricals will be well insulated from the person
  • The shoe will not be an added responsibility to hold or attach to something else but will instead be something that they can wear like any other shoe
  • Needs more protection as it can be easily drenched or hit
  • May become heavy because of all the added load
  • The shoe might be difficult to clean unless electrically isolated
Our second Champion Idea from the Attachable Cluster is a small clipping sensor that can be clipped onto various items like the belt, collar, pant buckle, etc.

  • It is extremely portable and can be attached to anything at the time of need
  • They can be made with an extremely simple user interface
  • Can be made water and dustproof and hence extremely reliable
  • The sensor and feedback have to be different devices and in different locations
  • They can be easily mishandled or misplaced and replacing one could lead to connectivity issues
  • They have to be consciously put on and removed every time you have to go out 
  • It doesn't add any secondary benefits like stability or orthopedic insoles
  • The accuracy won't be very strong as the clip will likely be attached to your body making it unstable and shaky

Our third Champion Idea from the Holdable Cluster is a walking stick made to guide you through obstacles while also acting as a support mechanism.

  • The stick will also provide proper support when needed
  • Most elderly need a walking stick making this a prime solution for them
  • A very stable Quadro base can provide much-needed support and accuracy
  • The wire can be insulated inside the cane but this is not shown in the champion cluster just to show how it works
  • The sensor and feedback can be incorporated into the same cane making it much faster and prevent misfires 
  • The cane is bulky and every time one has to leave the house, they have to carry this object
  • The cane might not be as accurate on uneven or sandy surfaces
  • Sometimes, the feedback might not be felt by the person as they might not have their hand in the right position at that time


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