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The Cause

Our first post is related to the cause of our initiative. We believe that one of the key issues faced by the elderly is the degradation of balance and judgment while walking leading to accidental falls and hurting themselves. It becomes increasingly difficult to overcome obstacles and maintain proper balance when the elderly try to navigate through their surroundings. Some of the major issues they face because of this is a never-ending problem of hitting objects in their way and being unable to react to obstructions or sudden oncoming objects immediately. While walking in areas that they aren't used to, like roads, parks, or even unfamiliar houses, major accidents can occur if they and the people around them aren't careful. Many elders require someone to constantly hold them as they walk because of the fear of hitting such obstructions and losing balance. They also lose balance and get light-headed very easily. The deterioration of their eyesight also makes things more difficul

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